Thursday, July 08, 2010

Here's the charming guy Obama's justice department specifically chose not to prosecute for voter intimidation in Philadelphia on '08....

This is the clearest case of voter intimidation in memory, yet Obama directed stooge Eric Holder not to pursue the case. According to a justice department lawyer who resigned his position in protest, it was because of Obama's outrageous policy of never prosecuting blacks to the benefit of whites. How's that for the post-racial candidate?

"I hate every iota of a cracker." That's gold Jerry, gold!

I'm wondering what a country without us crackers and our babies would be like. A miserable, despotic hell-hole like Zimbabwe or the Ivory Coast perhaps?


  1. I was wondering when you would get around to this. Isn't it just so frickin' unbelivable? Well , you know what-- actually not to me anymore. The Obama administration has begun to show more and more corruption and incompetance every day, and it won't surprise me if he has to resign or gets impeached and actually convicted. And that opinion would be true for me regardless of the oil spill fiasco.

  2. With the reports today about the democrats ramming through cap-and-trade and card-check during the lame duck period after they lose the elections in November, it looks more and more like Obama cares not for a second term and will do as much damage to the country as he can before he rides off into infamy, leaving a weak nation in dramatic decline in his wake.
