Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shirley Sherrod lawyers up

Like everybody on Earth couldn't have predicted this eventuality.....

(CBS/AP) Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod says she will sue a conservative blogger who posted an edited video of her making racially tinged remarks last week.

Sherrod made the announcement Thursday in San Diego at the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention.

Of course she's suing. It's what she and her husband do. It's what all put-upon Americans do who imagine they've been wronged by somebody who's got a little money that they want for themselves. The party she should be suing however, is the Obama administration for firing her without just cause. They demanded her resignation before anybody ever watched the video. But that won't happen because she's black and she said she loves him because he's the first black President.

From what I've read Andrew Breitbart is on pretty solid footing in terms of charges of slander and/libel, so I doubt this law-suit is going anywhere. There's no way Breitbart will settle either.

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