Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pelousy's plans for the lame duck session

For those of you who think that once conservatives, especially those with Tea Party leanings, have made enormous gains in the House and Senate this November, that the fight is over, think again. During the 3 months more-or-less after the election, before the new representatives and congressmen take their seats(the lame duck session), Nancy Pelousy may be planning her most treacherous scheme yet to bypass entirely the will of the American people. There is quiet muttering in DC that she plans to force through, legislation regarding climate change, union card check, a bill that locks in increased agency budgets, and federal voter registration mandates that supersede states' laws. With little else to lose, no voters to whom they have to answer for another two years, and significant losses of dem. seats, this will likely be the last chance to pass such controversial measures that Americans clearly don't want, but that are good for future democrats' desperate grasp on power.

For outgoing losers to do what amounts to trashing the legitimate, Constitutional legislative process on their way out the door is the epitome of treachery and underhandedness. But then again, when Bush came into office they found that all the W's had been removed from all the keyboards in the White House and items had been pilfered by the adolescent riff-raff employed by the Clintons.

Maturity and decorum just aren't things we can associate with democrats, especially resentful loser democrats.

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