Monday, July 12, 2010

Jerry Brown embarrasses himself and insults fellow statesmen

On Chris Matthews's show Friday, a drug-addled senior citizen Jerry Brown insulted George Bush, Sarah Palin, and Carly Fiorina as "know-nothings" and in the same breath assigned the detestable sexual label "tea-baggers" to California conservatives who might not vote for him as Governor or Babs Boxer as Senator in November.

They need to put Jerry back into cryostasis where they found him. If Californians want a tool like him as who'll make nice with the unions, raise taxes, attack businesses, and blame everybody else for that state's insolvency and ultimate failure, then they deserve to slide off into the Pacific Ocean.


  1. How do you say "Jerry"?

    J-E-R-R-Y. that's how you say Jerry.
    The man that would return California to NORMALCY.
    Jerry governed in the good ole days, growing California's economy to the 7th in the world.
    Jerry is the man that would revert nearly a decade of decadence, to undo the harm inflicted on California by the narrow minded Arnold and his Republican machinery:
    that has driven the Golden State to a broken State
    who thinks that the best way to grow an economy is to cut, cut and cut
    who things that we can grow an economy by laying off everybody with no one left with a job to pay into the system
    who thinks that the state workers are the problem to California's economy
    who thinks that cutting off funding to education would actually make our educational system better
    who thinks that cutting off funding to youth programs would actually reduce juvenile crimes with parents out of work
    who thinks that the middle and lower classes are actually the ones meant to pay taxes while the their Republican cronies pays zero taxes
    How do you say Jerry? By telling Mega "Millions" Whitman that she cannot not hide from the press while throwing her money around polluting the airwaves with lies, like what she tried to do at the Port of Oakland back in March when she showed up for a photo opp and refused to take questions.

    How do you say Jerry? By telling the people of California that money can't buy experience, there is no substitute for experience.

    That's how you say Jerry not by uploading photos and whatever else you folks are doing.

    Now take that to the bank.

  2. Anon, you are a moron. Look at what's left of the rest of the country. Liberal policies have killed our economy and absurd union labor demands have contributed largely to it. In California, union labor is the single greatest problem you have. If you can tell me why union workers should be able to demand higher wages than the free labor market would ordinarily dictate, then I'll yeild to your superior intellect.
