Monday, July 12, 2010

Dem. governors caught in a pinch...heh heh

Democrat governors are rightly concerned about the Obama administrations law suit against Arizona over their new immigration law. A law that is wildly popular on a national level....

From NYTimes -- BOSTON — In a private meeting with White House officials this weekend, Democratic governors voiced deep anxiety about the Obama administration’s suit against Arizona’s new immigration law, worrying that it could cost a vulnerable Democratic Party in the fall elections.

There are 19 governor's seats held by democrats that will be contested in November. They'd rather be talking about jobs, the economy, the oil spill, anything but immigration. This frivolous, race-based law suit, brought by administration stooge Eric Holder, will only focus the attention of the electorate onto an issue that is a no-win for democrats who are seen as pro-illegal alien for the most part.

If republicans in these states have any sense at all, and the jury is still out on that, they'll quickly bring Arizona-like immigration bills to their own state Houses and force the dem. governors to go on the record in the lead up to the election.

The pro illegal-alien media would have no choice but to cover it and it would shed some much needed sunlight on an issue clouded by administration lies and misinformation. Moreover, it would signal to Obama that his flunky-AG Holder cannot sue half the country and that the country is united in favor of closing the border BEFORE we discuss pathways to citizenship for illegals or guest-worker programs.

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