Friday, July 30, 2010

Gibbs on Limbaugh

Hapless oaf Robert Gibbs attacked Rush Limbaugh for being against the auto-company bailouts thusly....

From WSJ -- “Look, Rush Limbaugh and others wanted to walk away. Rush Limbaugh and others saw a million people that worked at these factories, that worked at these parts suppliers, that had — that supported communities, and thought we should all just walk away. The president didn’t think that walking away from a million jobs in these communities made a lot of economic sense,” Gibbs said.

Well count me among those who wanted to walk away. The government doesn't have any business meddling in the free market where it chooses winners and losers based on political favoritism. Obama would have gladly walked away if those car companies had not been unionized and yearly, funneled millions in forcibly extracted union dues to democrat politicians. It wasn't about jobs, it was about rescuing union political support.

I said it before and I'll say it again, no company is too big to fail.

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