Friday, July 30, 2010

Erin Andrews is an air-head

You may remember when some creepy dude used a pinhole camera through a peep-hole to recorded ESPN reporterette Erin Andrews engaging in some naked ironing and getting dressed in her hotel room. Erin's knee-jerk answer is for government to regulate the Internet. Jump to about 1:25 for the pertinent parts...

This creep committed a half dozen crimes before he posted the clip on the Web. Maybe that's where the effort at stopping this stuff should be directed, not at the Internet where if government gets involved in regulation and policing, it'll overreach as it always does and every Internet activity will end up being regulated by some smarmy bureaucrat with a political agenda.

This is like fighting the ridiculous war on drugs by harshly punishing the 16 year old kid who gets caught getting high one time. It makes no sense unless you think like Erin Andrews apparently does, that government can and should solve all of life's problems. This is a cop issue, not a regulatory issue.

1 comment:

  1. While I do believe Erin is an airhead, for other reasons I will not get into now, I do agree with her point on this issue.

    It's not so much about regulating what you and I do on the internet, but helping stop and prevent crimes online.

    Erin was violated and taped without her permission making her a victim. She was then further victimized when those unauthorized tapes of her were posted for the world to see.

    There's just something scary about that. If something is not done, I can imagine a world were people rape others, tape them during the act, and then post the act online.

    I agree that something does need to be done to prevent crime victims from being further victimized.
