Thursday, July 01, 2010

The cost of Chicken Little syndrome

Remember the certain Swine Flu pandemic with which the hysterical media menaced us for months on end? And remember how outraged they pretended to be when they found out there weren't enough doses of vaccine to protect everybody? And remember how terrified citizens who didn't know any better demanded that the government manufacture enough flu vaccine to protect them and their precious snowflakes?

Well, it turns out to have been a big, stupid false alarm. Only about 12,000 people died from swine flu...or about one third the number that die each year from the seasonal flu. And now the government will have to destroy over 70,000,000 doses of vaccine because nobody used it and it's expiring in the next week or two. The cost to taxpayers is in the neighborhood of $350million dollars....most of it going to fund the fabulous vacations of pharmaceutical execs and their families.

Do you see how the doom-and-gloom, self-important media/pharma/government cabal manipulates us into thinking the sky is falling when it's just a garden-variety threat and not a catastrophic one? But consider that when most of the population were "educated" in dreadful government schools, they're easy to manipulate.

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