Thursday, July 01, 2010

The 2nd amendment in action

I love hearing these stories....

The teenage son of a Harris County deputy constable opened fire with his father's automatic rifle Tuesday after burglars forced their way into the family's home, authorities said.

The boy, 15, and his sister, 12, were alone about 2:30 p.m. when they heard glass breaking downstairs at the home in the 2600 block of Royal Place Court in northwest Harris County.

The boy went downstairs with the rifle and spotted the two burglars in the living room.

He fired several shots and struck one of the intruders, said Lt. Jeff Stauber with the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

"He was concerned with protecting his younger sister — that's exactly what he did,“ Stauber said.

For you gun-control idiots out there, what might have happened to this kid and his sister if the intruders had found them defenseless in the house? Murder? Rape then murder? Pistol whipped? What if these had been your kids? Would you rather them be unarmed victims of violent criminals as a price for your anti-gun zealotry or would you be thankful that the kids walked away unharmed because he defended himself and his sister from violent attackers?

I think it's too bad he didn't just go ahead and kill them. It would have saved the taxpayers in Harris Country a boatload of money. But the kid's only 15 so I give him a pass on that. When he's older and paying taxes he'll remember to double-tap them in the chest and put one between their eyes rather than wounding them. Plus, it's always a good idea to remember that if you shoot somebody, go ahead and kill them. That way the cops only hear one story of how it happened....yours.

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