Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Your TRR cautionary tale of the week

MONTESANO, Wash. (AP) - Authorities believe a Washington man was killed by accidentally urinating on a downed power line after a car crash.

If you aren't cringing in your seat, you're either brain-dead or a chick. And I don't think there is anything more that I can add to this except be careful out there kids.


  1. Jeff Goldblum's character in the movie "The Big Chill", refers to the outdoors as the world's largest restroom, I think this guy could have found ANY place better to relieve himself.

    Priceless. Peeing on a campfire may be intriguing (but smelly). Peeing on live electrical circuit...well, you get what you deserve.

  2. When I was maybe 9, my stupid friends and I lived near a small cattle farm in Georgia that had a three-wire, pulsed electric fence. The pulses were about 5 seconds apart and only enough juice to deter a cow from leaning on the fence. We used to triple-dog dare each other to pee on the fence....what idiots we were!
