Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Nothing to see here folks....move along

Well, what do you know? Another campus noose causes disharmony and panic through out the minority population not to mention the frothing by the eager media who love reporting on white racism rearing it's ugly head in modern America. But as is usually the case, the noose was placed there by a minority student for reasons unknown to us now. Here's part of her apology letter.....

"As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain," the student wrote. She was suspended Friday and remains under investigation for a possible hate crime.

Here's a picture of the actual "hate crime"....

For some reason, race-conscious people who feel they aren't getting enough attention, manufacture attention with stunts like this. Then the white community inevitably gets the blame, when they were actually minding their own business. If a white student had done this, we'd be treated to endless reporting about racism in America but, because another minority did it, the media will shrug and go away. It doesn't fit their template of all whites being racists....a story they love reporting on.


  1. As you know, but as the media refuses to acknowledge, almost all of these things are hoaxes by the "aggrieved" minority. The swastika painted on a Georgia congressman's office this past summer sign was never solved, but got all the usual hysterical attention.

  2. Instead of an apology there has been steady escalation and now the noose. So, what exactly will the excuses be for this cowardly act that brings up memories of the confederate KKK of the South in their attempts to keep slavery and the non-whites in fear? Is it that are uneducated, is it that their parents planted these seeds of hate, is it that they are live in fear because our President in the white house is not 100% white. This is what the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. These kids follow what their dullard leaders say, they listen to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards, they are young and dumb. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think?

  3. Montana, did you not read what I wrote? A white kid didn't do this. White kids never do this sort of thing. It's always some disgruntled black person who wants some attention. And for your information, the conseravative talk-show hosts are the least racist people around. They want equality of opportunity for everybody. What you probably want is equality of outcome. There's a big difference.

  4. Could the 2nd comment possibly be for real? Surely a parody of a brain-dead liberal. Is that Keith Olbermann's alias?

  5. (1) UCSD: A group of dumb white frat guys hold an event called a "Compton Cookout." This pisses people off as it used Black History Month as a reason to mock black people with racist stereotypes. Also involved is some idiot who tries to use this opportunity for shameless self-promotion, who also happens to be black. To say the least, the guy is basically a wannabe Flavor Flav.

    (2) UCSD: Another dumb white frat guy gets mad that blacks are offended of being relegated to a bigoted stereotype. He tries to hold another racist event.

    (3) UCSD: Meanwhile, a terrible student media publication (which, after viewing their website consists of all white staff, nudity, staff wrestling each other, and well, not much else), pushes their limits calling black students "ungrateful n------" - not just that word, but also that apparently the black students owed them something. They have a reputation of being trashy, and at this point, administration and faculty rush to condemn racism by students of the campus and various protests begin. Funding is also cut from all student media at UCSD, creating an extra bitter controversy.

    (4) UCSD: On Friday of that week, a noose is found in the library. Everything gets worked in a frenzy and - something I'll address later - a large amount of white commenter’s on the internet begin claiming that is was probably a black student who planted it in order to gain more sympathy. In addition, there are rumors of a threatening note sent to the Guardian and a second noose, there was no second noose, and the threat seems to be just a rumor.

    (6) UCSD: Protests basically happen at all schools in support of the students. There are various sit-ins, and teach-ins, and what have you. School administrators become pushed to be more active in fixing what’s going on.

    I have not seen this noose person, but most of you blame her and conveniently forget wear this all originated. Dear Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage your chickens have come home to roost.

  6. Montana, you cannot blame talk radio for the actions of any individual. We are all singly responsible for our own actions. Anybody who acts in a racist way toward others should rightly be labelled a racist. By the same token, when a minority uses racial sensitivity to gin up emotions about race, it clouds the issue of actual racism and that person is guilty too. Blame the whites who acted in racist ways but, you cannot draw larger conclusions and indict people as racists, who had nothing to do with this event.

  7. Montana: "Young and dumb" has hit very close to the source.
