Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Toyota complainers are coming out of the woodwork

OK, I'm going to go ahead and call BS on pretty much all of the current Toyota narrative. First of all, there's no such thing as a floor mat malfunction. It's called safe operation of your vehicle.....move the floor mat to where it belongs before starting your car. And this whole "sticky pedal" nonsense may have happened in one or two isolated cases but those are probably operator error of some kind too. Now, every crazy nut with a Toyota is coming out of the woodwork to try to sue Toyota for money they don't deserve. Here's another moron who's faking an emergency....

The California Highway Patrol says an officer helped slow a runaway Toyota Prius from 94 mph to a safe stop after the car's accelerator became stuck in San Diego County.

The CHP says driver James Sikes called 911 about 1:30 p.m. Monday after he found he could not control his car on Interstate 8 near La Posta.

A patrol car pulled alongside the Prius and officers told Sikes over a loudspeaker to use the brakes and emergency brake.

After the car slowed to about 50 mph, Sikes felt safe enough to turn off the engine and coast to a halt.

Yeah, he called 911 to have a trooper establish his story and if they check his phone records, he probably called a slip-n-fall lawyer right after that. That is if he didn't already have one waiting.

I said it before and I'll say it again....this is an opportunistic conspiracy by the government to harm it's biggest competitor in the car manufacturing market and they can count on lying consumers and skeevy lawyers to keep the dangerous-Toyotas narrative going with harrowing stories of out-of-control cars and bogus lawsuits.


  1. Someone is out to take Toyota down. I suspect the "American" automakers are at least indirectly involved. Call me Mel Gibson (Conspiracy Theorist) but I'm sure I'm right.

    Oh, if I was in the market for an auto I would be in a Toyota car lot sooner than I'd be in a Government Motors or Statesler lot.

  2. Right you are Dave. If I buy domestic, it'll be a Ford and if I buy foreign, it'll likely be a Toyota, just because of what's being done to them in the name of safety and consumer protection.

  3. Yeah, the floor mat malfunction.How stupid are people??(alas there is not enough webspace to descibe) Why not do the easy simple fix. If you own a Toyota, take out the mat. Buy one at the auto parts store (as if would be any safer)itf you must have one. I'll bet Toyota would reimburse you for the cost.

  4. Oh yeah-and why do you have to slow down to turn off your car?

  5. IQ tests for drivers.

    We continue to ask less and less of drivers. Witness the proliferation of traffic signs, signals, even extracts of the State code put on signs. We continue to lower the bar asking less of drivers and we are surprised by the results?

    Whoever hatched the idea of "metering" traffic onto expressways with a traffic light ought to be banished. What a booger-eating, moronic idea!

    Less signs/rules/signals = better drivers. There is NO doubht in my mind.

  6. Hell, I definitely would still purchase a Toyota over the pieces of cheap second rate shit on four wheels also known as American automobiles.
