Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowed out!!

Posted by Reid:

As the vast majority of the country is covered in snow, air traffic is stalled and delayed, there is one bright side to look at. Congress cannot hurt us any more this week. You see all those guys were snowed away from the capital and cannot work. Yes, fellow taxpayers, we get a reprieve from the incredible stupidity running rampant in D.C. No Obama led death-to-the-country votes, no P-Lo or Harry Reid diatribes, No Body at all. Thanks to God for the weather. Maybe it will storm for another few days in the Potomac area and keep those pinheads away from our money and country.
By the way, enjoy the respite. I'm sure it will be worse when it comes around after the break.


  1. Amazingly, Obama announced earlier this week that he was creating yet another behemoth, federal agency to study climate change of all thilngs. Let me save him some time and money......the climate is always changing! And man has not one thing to do with it but, he hasn't created any other real jobs so creating more useless federal bureaucrats will jack up his numbers. Idiots, I swear!

  2. Go back and look at my Dept. Of Energy post!. Always creating taxpayer funded useless jobs!!
