Friday, February 12, 2010

The Assault Breacher Vehicle

Here's the Marines' latest weapon against the terrorists in Afghanistan. The ABV carves out a safe path through mine fields and rids the battle field of IED's, the deadliest weapon of our enemy. It uses an array of ways to clear mines including large steel forks and concussion explosives that cause all mines in a wide area to go off harmlessly. It's also got some offensive weapons so Marines can shoot any stray terrorists that are running around in dirty nightshirts. Check it out.....

I would hate to see this thing coming at me. It would make me not want to be a terrorist anymore and go back to nomadic goat herding.


  1. it says this is a private video? what's up with that

  2. I guess some marine filmed this thing in training and put music to it. Is that Metallica?
