Thursday, February 18, 2010

Repbulicans are still hypocrits on spending

This is why republicans don't have a fiscal leg to stand on when criticizing Chairman Zero and the democrats for their lavish spending. Spending which contributes to the disastrous debt we are racking up to Japan and China. It turns out that out of the 4,000 earmarks tagged onto the $900billion omnibus spending bill of 2009, republicans accounted for a majority of them.

You can find some of the more egregious earmarks over at 1stNews.

This is why the Tea Party remains strong at the grass-roots and national levels. Republicans haven't learned any lessons. I'm not saying there aren't worthy projects that create jobs in some of these earmarks but, spending cuts will be the only thing that gets us out of the enormous debt we're in, and congressional republicans don't seem to have the principles to curb their personal pork spending. Perhaps the Constitution and the people would be best served if we simply defeated ANY incumbent, as long as there is a true conservative to replace him.

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