Thursday, February 18, 2010

Apology Not Required

Posted by Reid:

Tiger Woods is coming on television this Friday, to give us some "Song and Dance" story about his marital infidelities. I do not think that this is needed.
Tiger doesn't need to apologize to the world, he needs to be apologizing to his wife, as do the trampy women he was trysting with. Televising his apology is a waste of time in my mind. Leave it be, and let Mr and Mrs Woods get on with their lives, either separately or together, but don't parade it out in the open for all to see.
Tiger is a sports phenom, and needs to remain such. I do not want to know the sordid details of his private life. Leave me out of your lame excuses and your tired apologies please Tiger. Man up and do this right. Go find your wife, fall on your knees and beg for her forgiveness - face to face. Forget the TV and deal with her as a person, as your wife. You made a promise ( that is now broken), don't beat it to death with a televised diatribe announcing anything. Tell her you screwed up, she knows it, but it will make her feel better to hear. Tell her you love her and want to stay with her. Figure out some way to make it happen. Then get rid of all your so called friends that watched and helped you pull this off. They aren't your friends at all if they will help you cheat!!!


  1. The golf media are pissed that he's not groveling before them. I'm glad. He doesn't owe them anything but, if he wants them to love and adore him the way they used to, he'll have to give in to their need to see him humiliate himself and humbly answer all their stupid, personal questions. I would rather Tiger just show up and start playing without any fanfare or press conferences then, rufuse to answer any personal questions when he has to interact with them. None of this is any of their business.

  2. I agree. The sad part, however, is that the golf world needs him, regardless of anything in his life. The tour is just blase' without him to up the ante and create competition. All it is now is guys wandering around in plaid pants and feminine colored shirts slapping the pill to the hole. We need the Tiger, especialy now that he's the bad boy. Imagine 18 at Augusta- Tiger standing in the fairway grimly determining his club choice, and all the while ths split screen is showing hot sexy females in the crowd and the announcer is surmising which of these will be Tiger'snreal trophy tonite. Now there is real TV drama! I can't wait.
