Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Red meat for red staters

Over at the DailyCaller, they have a putative list of items on the Contract-from-America that was drafted by Tea Party activists through online surveys and various other forms of input. It's not bad. There are a few items that I would omit but there are more than a few that absolutely should be implemented. Here are my favorites but the whole list is worth taking a look at. Just click on the link.

•Requiring every bill in Congress to be made public seven days before any vote can be taken and all government expenditures authorized by any bill to be easily accessible on the Internet before the money is spent.

•Creating a Blue Ribbon task force that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs

•Audit the Federal Reserve System.

•Making sure the federal government does not bail out private companies. The government should also immediately divest itself of its stake in the private companies it owns from recent bailouts

If we can elect some true conservatives this time around, maybe we can start to have some fiscal discipline, the transparency we've been promised, and some policy shifts that free the American people to do what they do best, create wealth and prosperity as they pursue happiness, unencumbered by onerous regulations and busy-body bureaucrats.

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