Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Disgraceful media hypocrisy

You wouldn't know it by watching the main-stream media but, here are the faces of the three victims of last weeks shooting by radical leftist and Obama zealot Amy Bishop. Notice anything?

They're all minorities.

Where was perverted reprobate Keith Olbermann or militant lesbian Rachael Maddow or Obama ass-kisser Chris Matthews to tell us how she was a racist for choosing to kill minorities? Where's teary-eyed Katie Cupcake to breathlessly report about the obvious racial undertones regarding the shooting in the deep south? Where's Charlie Gibson to link Amy Bishop's radical political beliefs to her killing spree, the way he would if she had been a Bush or Palin supporter?

Do you think the media would be ignoring the skin color of the victims if a conservative, tea-party activist had done the shooting? Not a chance! We would be treated to weeks of nightly stories about how conservatives are intrinsically racist. New gun-control bills would be circulated in congress. Chairman Zero would hold a race summit at the White House...no republicans invited....except maybe Lindsay Graham.

Hat tip to Moonbattery.

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