Friday, February 19, 2010

GOP walking into Obama's trap

Having already won the health-care debate and wisely defeated Obama-care, republicans are entering the lair of the enemy by attending a white house publicity stunt thinly veiled as a bipartisan health-care summit....what are they thinking?

President Obama is working on health care legislation intended to reconcile differences between House and Senate Democrats that could be attached to a budget bill and avoid a Republican filibuster, according to a published report.

The president's proposal, which is still being written, will be posted on the Internet by Monday morning, senior administration officials and Congressional aides told the New York Times.

By piggybacking the legislation onto a budget bill, Democrats would be able to advance the bill with a simple majority of just 51 votes, averting a Republican filibuster in the Senate.

The republicans should be on the offensive with health-care by proposing their own fixes for the system, rather than allowing Obama, Emanuel, and Axelrod to frame the debate on their home turf and label the GOP as the party of "NO". Besides, if Obama is rewriting a bill of reconciliation between the House and Senate democrat bills, why pretend to include the republicans with this ridiculous summit?

This move by the republicans is like after having beaten up the playground bully, you go back and giving him another shot at you. If there's anything to be gained by republicans participating in this stunt, somebody please tell me what it is.

You watch, Obama will be backlit to appear regal and benevolent while the dunce republicans will be in uncomfortable chairs and top lit to appear sinister and underhanded. They are delivering to Obama, a media slam-dunk on a silver platter. Dunces...I swear!

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