Friday, February 19, 2010

Bill O'Reilly would suspend the Constitution over some bad weather

Here's Fox's #1 populist arguing that local governments may disarm law-abiding citizens during a declared state of emergency....

This guy totally schooled O'Reilly! You cannot suspend the Constitution for any reason and, a local state of emergency like the one that existed post-Katrina is precisely the time when citizens would need their guns to defend themselves and their property from marauding gangs of thugs and looters. Half the cowards on the N.O. police force fled the scene and stopped doing their jobs. Who protected the citizens then?

Not even the federal government, much less a local authority, has the right to suspend the Constitution...not even for bad weather. O'Reilly is a populist schmuck for suggesting that the position of preserving the Constitution in emergencies is "a pretty extreme position".

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me why I don't watch this guy. I guess he'd be OK with suspending all the Constitution, including the Freedom of the Press, in a "state of emergency."
