Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who, who does not want to wear the ribbon?

Oh, gimme a break already!!!

On January 22, a wide variety of broadcast, cable, radio, and internet outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, preempted their regularly scheduled prime-time programming and aired Hope for Haiti Now, a benefit concert and telethon to raise funds for Haiti earthquake relief. But even after receiving criticism for giving little coverage to the devastating earthquake in Haiti on its top-rated programs, Fox News did not preempt its programming and air the benefit concert, instead broadcasting regular editions of The O'Reilly Factor and Hannity.

I don't have a problem with a telethon to raise money. I applaud Hollywood for doing that but, why does every single channel have to air it? It was carried on more channels than Obama's inauguration. There was nothing else on to watch no matter how high you dialed your cable box. Absolutely ridiculous! I tuned into reruns of Criminal Minds for those two hours.

It's like that episode of Seinfeld in which AIDS-awareness marchers get mad at Kramer because he won't wear the stupid red ribbon in the march or, conservatives who judge a political candidate based on whether he wears a stupid, lapel flag pin. Seriously? Must I watch the telethon or be cast as unsympathetic to the plight of Haitians? There are other things going on in the world besides a two-week old earth quake. It doesn't have to be aired on every single channel.

Besides, the few performances I did view during commercial breaks were practically unwatchable. They were slow, dreary, and more likely to make me want to cut my wrists than give a bunch of money.


  1. Sorry, Ed. I agree with 90% of this but flag lapel pins aren't "stupid."

  2. Bill, I meant that the measurement of a candidate shouldn't be whether he wears a lapel pin or not, any more than the measurement of him should be whether he can name the VP of Kazakhstan in an interview with Katie cupcake. I didn't mean that the flag pin itself is stupid.

  3. I agree with that, Ed. I mean, it's not like anybody thinks Obama suddenly became patriotic when he bagan wearing one during the campaign after being criticized for not doing so.
