Thursday, January 21, 2010

The rare Double-post

Item #1: Today the Supreme Court wisely gutted the awful McCain/Feingold campaign finance act. JohnnyMac lost me as a supporter the day he teamed up with Russ Feingold to essentially protect all incumbents by unconstitutionally restricting free political speech, and in doing so, handed the democrats a gift-wrapped guarantee that corporate responses to their attacks during an election would be illegal to mount. The reasoning, according to the court, is that shouldn't we have more political speech rather than less political speech leading up to an election? Of course we should. Good for the court! I can't wait for October.

Item #2: Obama promised to make charitable donations to Haiti tax-deductible to encourage people to give. When is somebody going to ask him why if cutting taxes on charity results in more giving, then why wouldn't cutting job-associated taxes result in more jobs? Cutting taxes results in more of that activity....we know that Obama understands this now. Somebody should stick a microphone in his face and make him explain the difference.

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