Monday, January 18, 2010

WaPo ignores it's own polling a story about it's poll

Reason #106 not to trust the main-stream media.....

From ( - A large majority of Americans say they want a smaller government that provides them with fewer services, according to a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News.

But the Washington Post story about the poll makes no mention of this fact. The poll asked: “Generally speaking, would you say you favor smaller government with fewer services, or larger government with more services?” Fifty-eight percent said they favor a smaller government with fewer services, and only 38 percent said they favor a larger government with more services.

The Post did not mention the results from this poll question in its news story about the poll.

Aside from the unsurprising fact that the Washington Post intentionally omitted data that show resistance by Americans toward Obama's big-government, nanny-State agenda, I am heartened by the poll itself. It is good to see a majority recognize that the government can't do everything for everybody, nor should it attempt to.

And it would seem Americans are coming to this conclusion all by themselves with no input from the media. This is why the media have marginalized themselves almost to the point of irrelevancy....they hide contrary facts and promote the far-left agenda....even to their own detriment.

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