Monday, January 18, 2010

MSNBC is bewildered over Mass. senate race

David Shuster over at MSNBC is beside himself with wonderment about how the blindly loyal liberals in Massachusetts could vote for a republican for senator, by likening it to mental illness.....

Well David, perhaps it's the liberal elite like yourself who are mentally ill to believe that Americans will remain in their Obama-induced stupor forever. Having trillion-dollar program after trillion-dollar program crammed down our throats before we've even had a chance to examine what's happening is not how to successfully court the American electorate. Sure, there are some Americans who just want to be taken care of and will give up anything in return for more government goody-bags but, most of us, including even those in Massachusetts, don't like to be pushed around and made to pay for the failures of others indefinitely. Nor do we appreciate being on the hook for gargantuan handouts to corporate cronies who enjoy the current administration's favor.

Those of you at MSNBC are solidly in favor of the behemoth nanny-State because you are all unapologetic, quasi-socialists(except for Olbermann, he's just a garden-variety retard) and you assume the rest of us should be too. America is starting to wake up to that, which explains why your remaining 7 viewers may be changing the channel to something more realistic, like the SciFi network.

Thanks to Hotair for the clip.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of the late Peter Jennings talking about "the voters had a temper tantrum last week" after the 1994 election.
