Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rock (Obama) Hardplace

In a sure sign of desperation, Martha Coakley has pleaded with Obama to come to Mass. and campaign for her. She and republican Scott Brown are in a virtual tie going into Tuesday's election to fill the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy. The last thing Obama wants to do is hitch his wagon to the candidate who loses Kennedy's seat to a republican and in doing so, gives up the 60 democrat majority in the senate. On the other hand, if he refuses assistance, the chances are greater that Coakley will lose. A win by Brown would effectively kill health-care, cap-and-trade, and immigration/amnesty. This is a huge election for the entire nation.

Will Obama go to Mass. and risk looking impotent if Coakley loses in spite of his efforts, or will he stay home and accept the likelihood of her defeat, even if it means his legislative agenda will be dead in the water for the foreseeable future?

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