Thursday, January 14, 2010


Posted by Reid:

BOB HOWARD IS THE MAN!!!!!!! Without question this Alabama born marine was one fine American. He died on December 24. 2009. Cancer finally took a man that his enemies could not. Bob fought in the Vietnam War. He was nominated for the Medal Of Honor 3 times (an individual can only win it once , he won the first time). He won many purple hearts, silver and bronze stars. He is a true American hero. His heroic acts are portrayed throughout the media and now, we as civilians need to take a moment and thank God for a man that loved his employer, and fought to keep us all free. We need more Bob Howards in the world, what a class act. My hat is off to you sir. Thanks for your dedicated service and your integrity. Godspeed and may you rest in peace after a long and hard journey.

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