Monday, January 11, 2010

Palindrome day

Today's date is a rare palindrome...01-11-10. Rarer still is having two palindromes in the same month which we'll have on 01-22-10. It's like a blue moon which, by the way, we will have on Jan!


  1. Ed, good point on the date, but I have to question your on the "blue moon." We had a blue, or 2nd full moon in a month, on Dec 31, 2009. Are you basing this on the moon still being full on Jan 1, 2010? The US Naval Observatory site doesn't say that.

  2. Bill, you may be right. After I posted yesterday, I questioned the accuracy of my source...some website dedicated to blue-moons. Perhaps they were mistaken when they predicted back in the summer, a blue moon in January. I would defer to the USNO over pretty much anybody.
