Monday, January 11, 2010

Harry Reid said what?

Here's the basis for the hoopla surrounding Harry Reid....

....he had described Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign as a light-skinned African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." Those reflections appear in a new book, "Game Change," by Time magazine's Mark Halperin and New York magazine's John Heilemann.

Everybody's upset about Reid using the term "negro" but their hysterics are misplaced in my opinion. The insulting part of the statement to me, if I were Obama, would be that I turned my "negro dialect" on and off like a switch whenever I thought the audience warranted it. Not only is that a blatant charge of phoniness toward Obama but it assumes that blacks are stupid to the point that mere black dialect can buy their support. That's the transparent racism of Harry Reid of which blacks in Nevada should be reminded in November.

Am I the only one who thinks that is the insult rather than the word "negro"?


  1. I agree with you Ed.The thought that Obama would on/off a dialect and that would win over blacks just because he did that is the real insult. If people are so obsessed over the word Negro being used, perhaps they should go protest at the HQ of the United NEGRO college Fund.

  2. True that, Billy. There can be no double standards. If it's OK for them to call themselves, then it's OK for everybody.
