Monday, December 07, 2009

What's the Vegas line on Tiger keeping his wife?

Tiger Woods' mistresses now number 7, and counting. What do you think the over/under line is in Vegas before Elin says, "Enough already, I'm outta' here!"?

I'm going to say the over/under is 10 mistresses. If the number equals 10 or higher, Elin will take her money and leave with the kids. If she still sticks around after 10, then it's just for the money at that point and what's the price for your self-respect?

Though it could be argued that if she's still around even now, it shows that she's got little or no self respect anyway and it's just about the money so, what's a few more mistresses going to matter?

UPDATE: (3:56-Monday) I just read where Elin took the kids and moved out to another house in the neighborhood. That makes officially 7 mistresses so, if you had money on the "under", you win!


  1. Wrong!!! At 4:15 CST 12/7/9 the count is up to a confirmed 8 and a rumored 9th. I just wonder how Tiger managed to keep their names straight. Secondly, isnt really amazing how a man can win these high pressure golf tournaments while keeping all these women apart and at bay. I am really impressed now!

    BTW so far, none have been anything but DEAD SOLID PERFECT ( reference to a golf movie). I am waiting for the "back" nine gals to show up!!!!

  2. Joe, I just returned from where they rank all of Tiger's mistresses in the order of how hot they are. Predictably, none are as rediculously hot as his wife.

  3. I guess the rating services left out the factor that the other girls were actually giving it up regularly and its obvious she wasnt!! BTW how the woman at the hospital this AM from his house. It seems amazing that he can spiral downward so fastly. Absolutely amazing!!!

  4. Right you are, Joe. Tiger went from cool dude swinging the world by the tail to trailer-trash cad in a matter of days. Now as you say, they're taking women out of his house on stretchers. It wouldn't suprise me if he just said, screw it, and retired. How does he even step into the locker-room in February knowing that all his buddies are laughing at him. He may not win another tournament.

  5. I hear that there is a realitry TV show about celebrities battering their wives he might be able to audition fot. If he had only thought about the flying saucer thing instead of that idiot in MT, he could use/claim insanity from the pressure!!

  6. Dont worry Tiger. The only station that will cover you is my friends at CNN.....Oh...Im being sarcastic about that.

    The Black Widow
