Monday, December 07, 2009

Remember Pearl Harbor

It's Pearl Harbor Day today. For you panty-waste liberals who have nothing but disdain and contempt for America and her military, this means nothing to you but, for patriots, Dec. 7, 1941 was for our parents and grandparents, their 9/11. This clip is far from politically correct and I intend no offense by showing it but, I'm sure at the time, it sold a ton of war bonds to fund our Pacific campaign against the Japanese.

If Obama acknowledges Pearl Harbor Day in any way, I'll wager it'll be to apologize for American arrogance, aggression and, imperialism in the western Pacific ocean 70 years ago. Essentially he'll say that we had it coming.

1 comment:

  1. Today is a day to reflect on the atrocities caused by a foreign power trying to attack us. We should remember to never let that happen again, and if it takes pissing in many peoples back yards around the world to remind them that we are militarily supoerior then continue as planned!
