Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Turn-about is fair play, I guess

I found this sad story over at, via Linkiest....

An Azerbaijani man has come up with an unorthodox way of getting even with a pedophile who raped his son. He tracked down the rapist, sexually assaulted him on camera, and distributed the footage.

Now the father and the rapist are under arrest for the same messed up is that? I totally get that this father had to avenge the rape of his eight year-old son and, I even get his eye-for-an-eye punishment, sort of but, if it were my son, I'd figure out a way to kill the rapist so that he knew why I was killing him but, without getting caught. Now the kid, who needs his father right now, is without him.

Just to be clear, if you prey on children, you deserve whatever punishment anybody can dish out to you....even an horrifically painful death.


  1. Ed let's make a pact--if either you or my kids fall prey to such we will, together, kill the SOB. I'm sure between the 2 of us , we can commit the perfect crime.

  2. I've certainly watched enough CSI, Criminal Minds, and Bones to have a clue about the perfect, undetectable crime. We could be each other's alibis for starters....that is unless they find this comment thread, heh heh.
