Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Handle the problem, not the symptom

If the idea is to prevent teen suicide-by-train, you're doing it all wrong....

Residents of Palo Alto, Calif., are in mourning. Within the past six months, four students from the same local high school have killed themselves.(by train) Now, volunteers — some parents, some not — are maintaining a safety watch, trying to prevent another tragedy.

Hey, I have an idea. Why don't these parents try being parents for a change by reaching out to their troubled, suicidal teens, rather than socializing down at the train yard. There are a million ways to kill yourself, if the trains are unavailable. They'll jump in front of a bus, or off a cliff, or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, these folks stopped parenting after conception. The difficult part is to be there while there are trials and tribulations with your kids. If kids were all perfect, then there would be no issues in the world, 'cause we were all kids once. I am all for stopping somone from jumping in front of a train (metaphorically), but it needs to be done with sound direction, counsel and discipline from day 1. Not the "Iamyourbestfriend" mantra crap too many parents put on. If some of the parents actually acted as such instead of a s 20 year old adolescents this world would be better off!
