Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The Tiger-plot thickens

So even though Elin moved out of the house, an unnamed, middle-aged blond woman was rushed from Tiger's house at 2:30 this morning to the emergency room on "advanced life support", as was reported by intrepid newsreader Steve Doocy on Fox this morning.

Just one question....since when is a dextrose drip considered "advanced life support"? Come on Fox, don't over-report to make it seem more dramatic than it is.

I was telling my wife this morning how with every new bizarre development, this story is starting to feel like an OJ saga or something. About the only development left is for one of these girls to end up pregnant or dead, or a dude to come forward.


  1. My bet is on a tranny.

  2. Looks like Tiger's taking his family and retreating to an island off Sweden's coast so Elin can be closer to home. I might be wrong but I'll bet Tiger is public enemy #1 in Sweden right about now for disgracing it's most famous daughter. If I were him, I would never step foot in Sweden again. It might not be safe.

  3. It seems that Tiger truly needs a friend right now. I can fill that position in his life for $2.5 million and 2 girlfriends. I would ask for 3, but that would seema bit like overkill.

    Did you see that Al Sharpton is now fussing with Tiger over his "white" girlfriends and that none were black. He wants to know how young black women van expect to climb into the celebrity girlfriend pool if black celebrities keep taking the white chicks. Amazing!!!

  4. Bobby, there are a lot of black columnists that are making the same observations and asking the same ridiculous questions. And I thought the goal was to be a color-blind society....guess that only applies to whites.
