Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Obama seizes the American economy by the throat

This is the largest power-grab by the corrupt Obama administration yet....

Environmental Protection Agency has concluded greenhouse gases are endangering people's health and must be regulated, signaling that the Obama administration is prepared to contain global warming without congressional action if necessary.

Under a Supreme Court ruling, the so-called endangerment finding is needed before the EPA can regulate carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases released from power plants, factories and automobiles under the federal Clean Air Act.

This ruling effectively gives Obama free-reign to regulate businesses' production of harmless gases like CO2. Literally anybody who consumes energy in any form will be affected by the coming regulations. Global warming has been proven to be a lie yet, Obama presses forward as if everybody in the world believes the charade. The worst part is that eco pied-piper Al Gore was seen visiting the white house in the last few days leading up to this declaration by the EPA, and coincidentally stands to make over a BILLION dollars once the federal government starts to regulate the nation's energy consumption. Of course the fawning sycophants in the main-stream-media don't see any conflict of interest here.

I wonder how much of that billion Gore promised to Obama in return for this ruling by the EPA?

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