Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Robin Hood -- 2010 Trailer

Just saw the trailer for Robin Hood with Russel Crowe and Cate Blanchet....

Looks eerily like LOTR, I mean cinematically. And I'm going to have to second-guess Russel Crowe as the bandit of Nottingham as he's not svelte enough. Perhaps he would be more believable playing Friar Tuck....heh, heh. Also, they cast Cate Blanchet as the winsome maid Marion? She's like 45! How many maids(virgins) make it to 45? The life-expectancy back then was like 50. I guess this is the dark version of the story.

At any rate, Robin Hood was a hero of mine as a kid so I'll probably go see this.

Footnote: Almost all people were taught by liberals in America that Robin Hood simply stole from the rich to give to the poor. This let liberals place the "evil" tag on anybody who's rich and it's patently false. What he did was steal from the tyrannical, corrupt government and the ruling class who benefited from the tyranny and, gave to the proletariat who were burdened by over-taxation and oppression.

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like Russel packed on some pounds. His fingers are so fat they can barely fit the bow. But then that is shallow me talking. But I do agree with your footnote, the story was presented in a way that has always tainted my view of the rich as somehow inherently evil. I never thought about where that feeling came from until you pointed this out.
