Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chuck the Schmuck

NY senator Chuck Shumer should be in hot water over this but, he's a liberal so the media will shrug.....

From Politico -- Schumer and his seatmate, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), were chatting on their phones before takeoff when an announcement indicated that it was time to turn off the phones.

Both senators kept talking.

According to the GOP aide, a flight attendant then approached Schumer and told him the entire plane was waiting on him to shut down his phone.

Schumer asked if he could finish his conversation. When the flight attendant said “no,” Schumer ended his call but continued to argue his case.

When the flight attendant walked away, the witness says Schumer turned to Gillibrand and uttered the word "bitch"[sic].

Any other American who was argumentative with, and hostile to, a flight attendant would be throw off the flight but, not Chuck the Schmuck. Because he's a liberal, the media will not give it a second glance but, if it had been a republican, there would be hell to pay.

I'd like to hear from the gals over at NOW or other liberal women's' groups on this matter. But we won't because Shumer's a big proponent of unlimited access to taxpayer-funded abortions so they won't dare criticize him for mistreating a woman who's just doing her job. You see, women's' groups aren't about women's' rights or protecting women from abuse from misogynists like Clinton and Shumer. They'll look the other way no matter how badly you treat women as long as you advance their abortion agenda.

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