Thursday, November 05, 2009

Union thuggery and violence in Pennsylvania

Babies pitch tantrums when they don't get their way. When Union members don't get their way, they set things on fire and disrupt everybody's lives around them....

From TheMorningCall -- A fatality involving a Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority rail worker has suspended three regional rail routes to Philadelphia this morning, further aggravating the transit workers' strike.

Officials said a transit worker was struck and killed by a train between 8:30 and 9 a.m. near the Melrose Park station.

The accident comes as the transit system enters the third day of a crippling strike, and a day after a strike-crowded regional train caught fire during the morning rush. SEPTA says neither incident is strike-related.

More than 5,000 bus, trolley and subway workers walked off the job 3 a.m. Tuesday.

Workers in labor unions think they deserve, and are entitled to, wages and lavish benefits far greater than what that labor market would otherwise bear if allowed to operate freely. This dramatically increases the retail price of that item, in this case transportation, for all commuters. How many times do I have to explain it? Labor markets are no different than any other market, in that they should be subject to the forces of supply and demand. Moreover, contrary to what the media tell you, jobs do not belong to the employee. Jobs belong to the company, which exchanges money with you, in a mutually agreeable contract, in return for performing that work. If you want to make more money, either find a different job or prove to your employer that you deserve more....but, not by striking. Work harder, learn new skills, and make yourself indispensable to him. The extortion with which unions intimidate companies encourages less work, no new skills learning, and laziness.

This is why unions are bad for workers, bad for consumers, and bad for America.

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