Friday, November 06, 2009

Media predictably cast Hasan as "victim"

Nidal Malik Hasan concocted and executed his plan to slaughter American service personnel at Fort Hood yesterday. It has been reported that he yelled "Allah-Akbar" as he fired his weapons. This is nothing less than an act of terrorism in the name of Islam yet, Meredith Vieira couldn't help herself this morning on NBC's Today Show when she pointed out that he may have been the victim of mockery by other soldiers for being Muslim. Leave it to the politically-correct class to make a hero out of the murderer and victimizers out of the murdered. I'm sure the MSM meme in the coming days will be how Hasan was driven to this act by intolerant peers who profiled a peace-loving Muslim as the enemy because of his religious preference, and an uncaring Army organization with entrenched Islamophobia and bias against him. We'll be lectured about how it was the Army's fault for not protecting him from anti-Islamic hostility, even though he regularly and publicly extolled the virtues of the suicide-bomber, openly criticized our mid-east military strategy in Iraq and, offered praise for insurgents in Iraq who "stand up to the invaders".

This is a uniformed officer making war against his own country. How is that not punishable by death? I hope he survives his wounds long enough to be hung for his crimes against the US....very publicly hung. Then we can watch the media types weep for him....heh, heh.

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