Sunday, October 18, 2009

Axelrod and Emanuel apparently unfamiliar with pot-and-kettle axiom

White House scumbags, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel, went on simultaneous offensives today, voicing their assessments of Fox News, when asked on morning news shows, why this administration seems obsessed with attacking Fox....

"It's not news, it's pushing a point of view" - David Axelrod

"It's not a news organization so much, as it has a perspective." -
Rahm Emanuel

This administration cannot stand that a news channel would dare not regurgitate their talking points on a daily basis and instead, present both sides of every news story. During the Clinton years and Obama's campaign, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and especially NBC were little more than reliable, democrat mouthpieces....obediently retching the liberal mantra of the day as dictated by the Clintons and now Obama. That Fox dare pull the curtain back and expose Obama for the horrifyingly incompetent, empty suit that he really is, dismays candy-assed, political operators like Axelrod and Emanuel. But, all they've managed to do is triple Fox's ratings such that all the other cable news channels combined don't even approach Fox's ratings in every time slot.

But for Fox, the Obama administration would have a monopoly on TV news and could get away literally with murder and nobody would ever hear about it.

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