Friday, October 16, 2009

Monkeys made music before people.....FAIL!

Scientists attempted to link the desperate, forlorn banging on their cages by despondent primates, languishing in the wretched squalor of scientific captivity, with the origins of the singularly human practice of making music. Attempted, and failed....

When monkeys drum, they activate brain networks linked with communication, new findings that suggest a common origin of primate vocal and nonvocal communication systems and shed light on the origins of language and music.

I'm sorry, a primate banging arrhythmically on a log or it's cage does not equate to drumming or making music. It's trying to communicate with other monkeys, trying to keep from going crazy in it's sterile dungeon of horrors, or begging in vain for release by it's sadistic captors.

Nor does a monkey make any noises resembling music if you sit it down at a set of drums and give it some sticks....though, listening to Ringo Starr play does suggest that it's possible. Claiming that monkeys have even rudimentary, musical brains is as idiotic as believing that a dolphin can sentiently create art just because you stick a paintbrush in it's mouth and train it to drag it across the canvas, or believing that celebrities have anything interesting to say just because you keep sticking a microphone in front of them and letting them yammer on about...whatever.

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