Monday, October 26, 2009

The marginalization of Hillary Clinton

This morning I was discussing with a colleague about how we never hear a peep out of Hillary Clinton. With all that is going on around the world, you'd think she would be front and center of it all but, all we hear are chirping crickets from the Secretary of State's office. Come to think of it, we don't hear much from any Obama-cabinet members much except Katherine Sebelious on the H1N1 scare. The cabinet secretaries are sitting in their quiet offices twiddling their thumbs and playing Minesweep on their computers, while Obama's small army of radical czar's do all the heavy lifting.

My observation was that if Hillary knew she would not play a vital role in forming US foreign policy and would be instead relegated to the sidelines, she would not have taken the State job and kept her seat in the US Senate where all the action is.

My friend thinks that Hillary knew she would be marginalized and all but ignored and took the job anyway. She now has cleverly distanced herself from any failures of Obama's, whether it's in Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, wherever. She has plausible deniability that she had anything to do with any of it because she's not involved. She can also not be accused of disloyalty because she won't say anything negative. She'll claim that she tried to tell them but, they didn't listen. It'll be her word against theirs. By 2016, she will have washed her hands of all of his failures and be prepared to make another run.

I know the Clintons are clever and guiling but, this would be epic if she had this much forethought. I would even respect her for being this strategically clever.

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