Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Conservatives, stop obsessing about Obama playing golf

"Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush did in nearly 3 years" -- These were the headlines of many stories yesterday and this morning on conservative-leaning news outlets. They remember Bush getting hammered by the media about how much golf he played during Katrina and during the Iraq war. But, who cares how much golf Obama plays. The important thing, for conservatives to focus on is the rapidly expanding federal bureaucracy, the seizure of wealth and freedoms from the people, and the lurch toward a socialist nanny-State we are about to experience if the democrats are left unchecked. Besides, the more he isn't in his office, the fewer freedoms he can usurp from the people, and that's a good thing.

But seriously, take a look at his swing.....good grief! He could use the practice time for sure!

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