Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hasselhoff lowers the bar once again

Well-pickled, B-list celebrity David Hasselhoff has a long and distinguished list of drunken hi-jinks, including munching a cheese-burger off the floor while his teenage daughter filmed it. Now he can add urinating all over himself, punching his doctor and, getting locked in a hotel basement to his drinking curriculum vitae....

A source close to the star said: "David is very hard to handle when he drinks, often very emotional and aggressive. On this occasion he became so drunk he wet his hotel bed - ruining two mattresses - and was becoming a real pain for staff. His assistant Joe Townley was so concerned he called out a doctor. David was furious and lashed out at him - but mistakenly hit the doctor. They decided they had no option but to lock him in the basement until an ambulance arrived."

What did Hasselhoff do, attend the Eddie VanHalen rehab hospital? Seriously, hasn't his liver had enough already? I guess it's not a good celebrity party unless The Hoff gets hammered and makes the tabloids the next day. That's the only thing that explains why he keeps getting invited to them.

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