Monday, October 12, 2009

The 2010 Census starts to unravel

Finally, some good news on the immigration front....sort of....

From the Washington Times - Angered by President Obama's lack of success in legalizing illegal immigrants, some Hispanic activists are urging all Hispanics to boycott the 2010 census as a sign of displeasure.

Other groups have asked the federal government to suspend immigration raids while census takers are in the field, hoping that will make illegal immigrants more likely to respond to questions.

This is excellent news! If the legal Hispanic population boycotts the census, then the illegal population(12million strong), which tends to coalesce among the legal Hispanics, would be rightly under-represented for the next 10 years. I say rightly because they shouldn't be included in the census of American citizens in the first place. At most, any benefits that illegals enjoy should come from their supporters who are legal. They should have no demand on the income of, or benefits afforded, American citizens.

The immigration raids should have been stepped up, and as many illegals deported as possible in preparation for the census. They should be afraid to show themselves, choosing instead to reside in the desperate, shadowy world of illegality.

1 comment:

  1. legalizing illegal immigrants

    How does one legalize an illegal? Because if they are legalized they can't be illegal by definition. And If they are illegal how can that become legal? I am so confused. I wish it were as it used to be Everyone else wanted to live here and we didn't want to let them!
