Friday, September 11, 2009

The Village Idiot

What is he smoking? Have you heard Charlie's diatribe on 9/11? A government plot to start a war with Iraq; put up and managed by the Bush administration; Osama bin Laden works for the U.S. government and to top it off: Charlie is mad at his president for purporting this lie. He is scheduling a meeting (or at least trying to) to discuss this with Obama.

Charlie needs to stick to comedy, or at attracting great looking women to hang out with. Every time he opens his mouth, he turns people away. He is a buffoon. Charlie: Its tough to get people to take you seriously when you act like an "ultra-maroon"! Find something else to worry about, leave politics to actors that aren't complete imbeciles!!

In response to anon's request for a link, here is the website of a west-coast radio show dedicated to conspiracy theories that explains Sheens' idiotic truther beliefs. It's called Prisonplanet. Check your IQ at the door, you won't be needing it.


  1. Unfortunately I am well acquanted with prisonplanet as I have to listen to it in the background often. At times it actually does raise some serious issues such as the AG's views on gun control, but a lot of it is downright incomprehensible.
