Friday, September 11, 2009

Never forget!

Never forget that on 9-11-2001, we were attacked by Muslim extremists in the name of Islam. And the Muslim world cheered for days. Don't let politically correct liberals try to convince you that it was only those 20 hijackers who hated us. The Muslim world, and many leftists in our own country, cheered as Americans died.

Now 8 years later, democrats fear 9-11 because they feel it gives strength to conservatives. Things like patriotism, national pride, and American exceptionalism are seen as backward, republican ideals, whereas things like collectivism, wealth redistribution, and the supremacy of the imperial State are the ideals of the democrat left. That's why democrats have identified 9-11 as their national day of service, to try to bleed all original meaning from 9-11 and turn the nation's attention toward serving the government rather than remembering with whom we are at war. Don't let them do it.