Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reporters on the battlefield are disposable....soldiers are not

Four people died to free a New York Times reporter who knowingly put himself in position to be taken hostage by the Taliban.....idiot!

KABUL (AFP) – Criticism mounted on Thursday of the dramatic airborne rescue from Taliban territory of a kidnapped Western journalist who walked free as four others, including his Afghan colleague, were killed.
Negotiators were deep in talks with the Taliban to free New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell and appeared to be progressing well when British commandos intervened with the rescue operation, a source told AFP.
Farrell, who has dual British-Irish nationality, was freed unharmed, but his Afghan colleague, father-of-two Sultan Munadi, as well as a British soldier and an Afghan woman and child were killed.

Look, I've enjoyed the embedded reporters as much as anybody but, these guys have to understand that the soldiers they're with, are there to kill people and blow things up, not babysit them while they take pictures and stupidly report their positions. As far as I'm concerned, reporters are there at the pleasure of the soldier and should in no way endanger the mission or the safety of the soldiers. That also goes for when the reporter stupidly gets kidnapped by the Taliban. No soldier should have to give his life to rescue a stupid civilian who got himself snatched by the enemy. I don't blame the ones who're upset that this guy walked away because others made the ultimate sacrifice.

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