Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Obama and his primrose path

The one consistent theme to Obama is that his actions are generally polar opposite of what he says. "We don't want to own car companies"---yet they own two car companies. "We don't want to own or operate banks"---yet they own and operate many banks. "We don't want to own mortgage companies"---yet they own the two largest mortgage companies now. "We believe in the power of free enterprise and the market"---yet every move they make is designed specifically to thwart the market and skirt the Constitution.

RNC Chair Michael Steele hit on this topic in an article today in Politico. Here's the gist of it as you get ready for Obama's address tonight....

After a masterfully conducted campaign last year, a campaign that redefined the artistry of marketing a candidate, this president has now finally found the limit of the power of marketing. As Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who is one of the nation’s leading health care policy experts, said a few weeks back, “I don’t disagree with the things the president says on health care, I just find no correlation between his rhetoric and his actions.” There you have it.

Obama will tell us tonight that if we like our private insurance, we can keep it. He'll tell us that he won't cut health care for seniors. He'll tell us that there are 47million uninsured. He'll tell us that he won't raise taxes on anybody but the rich to pay for it all. He'll tell us that the "public option" is the only way to provide for the chronically uninsured. All these statements will be lies! The bills that are circulating around the house right now do exactly every one of these things.

Don't be fooled by Obama's compassionate delivery and glycerin tongue. Make no mistake, he wants single-payer health care for America, just like Canada and Great Britain are suffering under. Keep that thought in your mind as you watch him glide into the House chamber tonight like a cool breeze and basque in all the ridiculous applause interruptions. No matter what he says tonight or how wonderful and ideal it sounds, it's not, NOT what's going to never is.

Go here and read the article.

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