Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama's radicals infest your kids' class rooms

President Obama once famously bragged, "Judge me by who I surround myself with." It's bad enough the people that he's surrounded himself with, this is the guy that he's surrounding your kids with.....

President Obama's "safe schools czar" is a former schoolteacher who has advocated promoting homosexuality in schools, written about his past drug abuse, expressed his contempt for religion and detailed an incident in which he did not report an underage student who told him he was having sex with older men.

I couldn't care less that he happens to be gay but, I do care that he's in favor of promoting a gay agenda, cloaked under the innocuous-sounding veil of "safe schools". He'll be promoted to us as a big anti-bullying guy but, that'll morph quickly into setting teaching agendas for promoting the gay lifestyle....some schools are already doing it.

He's got a public drug-abuse past, public loathing for religion, and evidently is OK with men molesting underage boys. Do these influences seem consistent with the kind of learning environment you want in your kids' classrooms?

It's like Obama dredges the bottom of the barrel to fill every position in his administration. That this degenerate happened to be a teacher once, makes him qualified in spite of all his other flaws. Actually, I think it's because of his flaws that Obama picked him. It seems to be why he picked all his other czars. They're all either communists, socialists, eugenicists, or radical social engineers. Why shouldn't the safe-schools czar be anything resembling normal? And I thought we already had an education secretary....what's that person's job if not to promote safe schools?

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