Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama-worship in schools

Remember last week when we discussed the Obama speech to school children, and how it bordered on indoctrination before they amended it to be a benign, rah, rah speech? Watch this and tell me public school teachers aren't promoting politics in the classroom....

This is flat-out idolatry! Since when in America do we worship our elected leaders, and force children to sing hosannas to the President as if he were our personal lord and savior? This kind of crap makes me sick to my stomach! You know the other countries where young children sing worshipfully to their Dear Leader? North Korea and Nazi Germany for crying out loud!

Like you need another reason to home-school your kids!


  1. Contact the school who taught the children to sing about Obama

    B. Bernice Young Elementary School

    Address: 1203 Neck Road, Burlington, NJ 08016 ~ Phone: (609) 386-3520 ~ Fax: (609) 239-3532

    School principal
    Dr. Denise King

  2. Thanks for the info Babs, I'll post it so people can voice their opposition to this kind of riduculous idolatry.

  3. This is real scary stuff. Was this the teacher's idea or did it come from "above"?

  4. My guess is it's just the teacher that's an Obamabot but, she had to get approval from the principal I would think. That would meet the standard for institutionalized politics in grade school....which you are right, is scary.

  5. This is scary stuff. Here's a copy of the email I sent the principal:

    Dear Ms. King:

    As I'm certain you must be aware, a video of a class singing tributes to our president is circulating and purportedly originated at your school. I found it chilling to watch--to see impressionable young minds indoctrinated in this way, as if this were a totalitarian nation. If your ideology blinds you to this, please substitute "George W. Bush" for "Barack Hussein Obama" in the song and I think it will be made abundantly clear.

  6. Well done, David! Let's hope that e-mail was repeated thousands of times by concerned Americans like you and that school board got the message.
